Saturday, March 12, 2011

Flying Geese Giblets All Over the Place

I am in the process of squaring up 60 flying geese blocks that go in the Medallion Quilt I’ve been working on this past week.  They measure 1 3/4” X 3”.  The squaring up is going well.  I have 30 of them done thus far.  Unfortunately, I can’t cut for long periods of time because it makes my neck hurt due to surgery several years ago so it’s 15 trimmed per session, with a long break in between (which is why I’m blogging now during one of those breaks).


Though I brush the fabric trimmings off into a metal trash bucket after each session, I still have to sweep giblets of fabric from the floors as well.  Those fabric pieces must have wings to fly away from the cutting mat.  Guess that’s why it’s called flying geese.

Once I get a round of these flying geese stitched around the medallion, I will have only the outer border to stitch on and be done with the top.

Break’s over now.

1 comment:

  1. It can be quite a marathon when you are doing repetitive sewing tasks, but boy! are the results wonderful when it's done!!! Look forward to seeing your quilt!!!


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