Thursday, May 20, 2010

Ranger’s Little Gifts to Mom


Ranger’s annual gifts of Spring have begun.


Oh boy, thank you very much kitty cat. 

Ranger has a screened-in patio that he can enter into via a pet door off our den.  During warmer weather, he stays out there more than in the house, although he often comes in to “help me” with computer stuff.

Ranger Computer Close

His patio is decorated with a tall, carpeted cat pole with three levels to lay upon, a vintage porch swing, and his carrier for safe haven if he gets scared by thunder or the lawn mower and can’t get into the house.  Oh yeah, and his litter box stays out there too.  PU!

Although his patio is screened-in, there are little ways that critters and creatures can get in – lizards, snakes, bugs, etc.  You know cats.  They love to play with creatures.  Plus he’s the sharing kind of guy.

In the last week he has brought in two little geckos to share.  He won’t let me rescue them but he wants me to know how cunning and ferocious he is so he brings them to show me.  

I wish he wasn’t so giving.

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain. Mine ran towards his cat door with a garter snake hanging from his mouth. It was a race to see who could get to the door first. I'm glad to say that it was a tie, but in the kerfuffle at the door the cat dropped the snake inside. Sigh. I suppose I should be happy that they share.


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