Wednesday, January 1, 2014


The end of 2013 has been a trying time for my husband and our family.  His father was hospitalized with pneumonia the day after Thanksgiving.  Since then he has had several set backs and still is not home.  The rehab hospital will take over in the next few days so please keep us in your thoughts.
Please join these pugs and me in ringing in the new year.

May there be more sewing, good health, and good times in 2014.  Look at it this way:

Best wishes to all of you on this upcoming year from this VERY rich person,
a red Signature
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.


  1. Happy New Year Donna! Best wishes and thoughts for you and yours.

  2. Happy New Year Donna, I'm sorry 2013 ended in such a hard way. I'm sending you good thoughts for a better 2014...all the best to you!


Hey, leave me a comment so I know that I'm not talking to just myself!