Thursday, November 29, 2012


turkey squares
Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday are over.  All the family has gone home.  No more leftovers, thank goodness.  What have I been doing?  Nothing much since I had some stomach problems for a few days, but I’ve managed to get the Hurricane Sandy charity quilt tied and ready for binding.
tied quilt top mid way
Since this is a flannel quilt, both top and bottom, and it clings to the wool carpet in my den, I did not do a traditional pin baste.  I used heavy books to hold the sandwich in place and it seemed to work out perfectly.  It’s a little hard on my neck and back, but I need to stretch.  Lots!!!!!
Right now I’m cooking a pot of pinto beans and a pan of Mexican Cornbread using my mother-in-law's recipe.  You know it’s an old one if it calls for a No. 303 can of creamed corn.  I had to look that up on the Internet to see what that is in today’s can sizes.  I hope all the other ingredients work alright.  We will have to just wait and see.
a red Signature
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.


  1. Holidays are so hectic sometimes, I'm glad when they are over. Getting down on the floor doesn't get any easier does it? lol good luck with your recipes.

  2. Love the turkey that one of yours? We are in about the same stage..finished the leftovers last night!


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