Sunday, January 1, 2012


Thanks to each and every one of you who have become regular blog readers and left comments on my entries.  It’s so nice to know that there are like-minded people out there who enjoy quilting as much as I do and are willing to share that love with me.

Calendar pages flipping new year
To start 2012 in a high note, I redesigned my blog with new stuff and moved around some of the old stuff.  What else is in store for 2012?  I hope a lot more sewing, good health, making new friends and keeping the old ones, more time with loved ones, and more comments from you guys.  Happy New Year to one and all.

a Signature

1 comment:

  1. Love your new blog look!!! So fresh..... I'm about to try and do something similiar, have had my new header photo ready for about a week now, just waiting to do my first post of the year!
    I'm still on a learning curve with all this techno stuff LOL!!!


Hey, leave me a comment so I know that I'm not talking to just myself!