Friday, October 7, 2011


My Fall Splendor Quilt got 41 votes!  Thanks to all of you who helped.  The winners had many more votes but I'm very pleased with my result. 

Fall is in the air and this is a shameless request begging you to please vote for my quilt on  The theme this time is “Fall Splendor.”  This is my entry, “Pumpkins for Sale”:

Pumpkins Finished

To vote, just click HERE.  The quilt entries are listed in alphabetical order so just scroll down to the last part of the page where the voting is done and click in the dot next to mine, PUMPKINS FOR SALE.    There are a lot of nice entries.  There is no huge prize, just fat quarter bundles of “Autumn Gatherings” from The Fat Quarter Shop, but wouldn’t it be nice to win!

Voting ends this Sunday at 11:59 p.m.  Enjoy looking at the wonderful fall-themed quilts.
a Signature


  1. Another Great Quilt! Keep on quilting! Hugs, tana

  2. I voted, Thimbleberries always looks so FALL. Great quilt, hope you win.


Hey, leave me a comment so I know that I'm not talking to just myself!