Wednesday, October 20, 2010


happy dance couple

My Sweetie and I are doing the “Happy Dance” because the Texas Ranger won again.  They have a total of three wins so they only need one more to advance to the World Series.  

While watching the last two Rangers’ games, I managed to get all my appliqué pieces cut out and also mark then cut the template pieces for the border.

Pieces cut 

After some trial and error, I managed to stitch together eight border pyramid pieces just ‘cause I wanted to see how it would look and it looks GOOD.  Next I will work on the appliqué layout so the pieces can be ironed down to the blocks.  Can’t do that while watching the next ballgame.

By the way, here’s the next pumpkin photo.

pumpkin_rangers  The stencils for the featured pumpkins are available at the Texas Rangers website.Signature

1 comment:

  1. That is going to be such a lovely quilt. I am still trying to locate that magazine.

    Enjoy those Rangers...............


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