Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Sewing and Craft Projects

The dryer is installed (yee-haw) and I've already dried two loads. Now I'm back on track. Keep your fingers crossed that the washer will last long enough for me to pay of the dryer first.

Another new project recently completed is a fabric chatelaine, adapted from a Robyn Pandolph pattern. There's a pocket for thread, one for holding the scissors, and another for things like thimbles, needle packets or what have you. Also, there is a little fold out needle holder. Mislaying my sewing things while stitching causes me spend more time looking for the pin I stuck somewhere or for the scissors hiding under patches. I learned what not to do on this one so ones I make for gifts should go much easier.

I am also re-purposing a tote bag that the Book of the Month Club sent me years ago when I signed up for their program. It has the BOMC logo on it which needed to be covered, so I went through my Vintage Workshop Classic Collection CD and selected an image of a little girl skipping through the flowers. It's printed on a Printed Treasures fabric sheet.
Once I stitch the image over the logo, I'll embellish with crystals, lace, buttons or whatever.

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