Wednesday, November 23, 2011


The grocery shopping is done.  The salad is to be made in the morning.  Then we are off to Mom’s house for Thanksgiving dinner with family.  I love these get-togethers, even more so now that we are getting older and some of the older family members are no longer with us.  That makes me appreciate more any time together with family.
thanksgiving turkey vintage image graphicsfairy005
Vintage Postcard Image from
I’ve only cooked a turkey once and never made cornbread dressing.  That tradition may fall by the wayside when my mother is gone or unable to cook much anymore.

My father-in-law underwent surgery Monday to remove a cancerous spot from his lung.  Fortunately he is up and around at the hospital, doing well and probably will be going home today.   Something I didn’t know could be done.  They were able to remove it arthroscopically.  Quicker recovery time; less pain!  Wow.  Modern medicine is wonderful.

Best wishes to you all during this Thanksgiving season.
a Signature

1 comment:

  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you too, Donna...we always went to my grandmother's house for years...even after married and with I am the Grandma doing the son-in-law is insisting that my daughter must learn how!!!!!


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