Wednesday, February 2, 2011


As part of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Triangles exchange being coordinated by Alex Anderson and Ricky Tim's "The Quilt Show," I have made 4 sets of 36 so far.  I’ll be sending in sets of 28 and keeping the additional 8 triangles per set for myself.  Two sets are already sewn and separated
Sisterhood Triangles cut and bagged
 and two more sets are sewn and ready for cutting.
Sisterhood Triangles

They asked that we put our name on each triangle so instead of writing that on each one, I used return address labels that come in the mail frequently, more than I could use on just envelopes.    I saved them to use for other stuff and this is a perfect use. Better get to cutting . . .  The more I send in for the exchange, the more I get back!!!!

 Sew until next time,

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