Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ranger is Ready for Halloween

Halloween is my favorite holiday.  It was always a time of fun and joy when I was in elementary school.  There was the school carnival Halloween night then a visit to my grandparent’s home for trick or treat just one block from my school.  Granddad was a “candy man” when we were growing up.  He owned and serviced peanut, chewing gum and candy machines all over San Angelo, Texas.  Needless to say, we always had great candy at their house.  Those were the days.

However, I still like Halloween.  So does Ranger apparently.

Snoozing close

Those Halloween bears and pillow were out maybe 30 minutes at the most before he jumped up in the middle of them and took a nap.  After I took several pictures of him there, he gave me this look.

eyes open

That look says, “Leave me alone.”  So I did.



  1. love that quilt he is laying on!
    just beautiful....
    yes thats the look of business. get that camera out of here!!!
    I love halloween too, my kids hate it!
    isn't that funny?

  2. I would love to see more of the quilt Ranger is laying on it looks really interesting.


Hey, leave me a comment so I know that I'm not talking to just myself!