Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Bluework and Other Embroidery


From one of my quilting newsgroups, I found this marvelous website that sells vintage embroidery and redwork patterns.  It’s called PatternBee.  As a collector of vintage embroidered linens and an occasional embroiderer of vintage designs, I am thrilled to find this source.  There’s even a bunch of free designs here.

Off and on for the past couple of years, I’ve been working on a “bluework” version of the Days of the Week.



I’m halfway through with Wednesday.  My plan is to make them into blocks in a small wall quilt.  Yet another UFO slowly in the works.  One day, it will be done.  I know it!



  1. Hi Donna -

    I'm from East Texas, and I watch the Rangers every night also! Well, except this week, when they are off for the All Stars game.

    Love your embroidery. I have been doing some redwork lately, and relly enjoy it.


  2. My eye is much better thanks for asking...crazy, huh?? and I like your advice. If you are going to be at the quild meeting Friday we are having the second part of our book sale and I think there was a set of redwork patterns to sell...everything will be half price on Friday!


Hey, leave me a comment so I know that I'm not talking to just myself!