Thursday, July 4, 2013


boy w firecraker
Celebrating the 4th of July calls up many happy memories.  The family is almost always together.  The 4th of July rodeo in the little town where Mom grew up, the little south Texas town of Rocksprings, Texas first comes to mind.  The parade with a Rodeo Queen on her horse and on a float, an elderly lady who was proclaimed Pioneer Queen.
The rodeo was held in an outdoor arena.  That is the only type of rodeo I had ever been to until we moved to the Fort Worth area in 1967 to discover they have BIG indoor rodeos too.  I just couldn’t believe it.
Where I live now, there is a parade, fireworks, and entertainment here in the once little, but now BIG town.  I’ll forgo the fireworks and band.  It’s too hot and the mosquitoes so vicious that I’ll stay inside.
Speaking of inside, this is my patriotic quilt display used for the 4th of July and Memorial Day.
The quilt on the wall I made using Jo Morton’s star fabric.  The one on the quilt rack below is an antique that I purchased from E-bay several years ago.  I just love it.
red white blue star
Hope all my American readers have a happy 4th.
a red Signature
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

1 comment:

  1. Love your patriotic quilt display!!! We too are enjoying the Fourth from the cool, mosquito free indoors!


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