Friday, May 17, 2013


As my Dad used to say, "Grandma is slow but she’s old."  LOL  Well I’m not really too terribly old (61) but I sure am terribly slow.  Here are two more blocks of the Grandmother’s Choice block of the week sponsored by Barbara Brackman.  I'm behind about 15 blocks but I keep plugging along at it.

#25 The Carrie Nation Quilt
25 Carrie Nation

#37 Nameless Star
37 Lucky Star 1
As you can see, I am not making them in any particular order.  I just pick the one I want to do next and just do it.

The sawtooth star is the block used when I was taught how to piece a quilt.  I love star blocks of all kinds which is probably how I got hooked on quilting.

Mom and I had a wonderful lunch today at the Olive Garden.  We both love the fresh salad and yummy, garlicky bread sticks that they serve.  That is all that Mom ate, but I added a small linguini with marinara sauce.  It was divine!

More blocks and news later,
a red Signature
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.


  1. Very nice!! But you are not as slow as I am!! I haven't done any of them yet, but I have all the patterns! Yours are looking great!

  2. It's OK to be behind Donna! You are always careful to choose such lovely fabrics and your blocks always finish so fabulous! Slow and steady may not always win the race but it usually wins the ribbons. ;)


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