Friday, May 3, 2013


Eureka!  Ever since I saw Alex Anderson and Ricky Timms use something similar to this, I finally found an iron with a solid soleplate.  No holes for steam.  Why am I so excited you ask?  Because I wanted the soleplate of an iron to be solid to equally heat the entire surface of the fabric with no “holes” in the heat which increase the ironing work.


box and iron

I’ve been looking for one for over a year and finally tracked one down at Home Depot for order through the Internet with delivery to my local Home Depot store (with NO shipping charges) for me to pick up.  I live only a couple of miles from Home Depot so it was an easy, convenient trip. You can see the information about this iron HERE.  {I am not affiliated with Home Depot in any way.  Just a satisfied customer.)

There is no automatic shut off so I’ll have to train myself to watch out for that.  This iron is pretty heavy which should help mash those seams down on the blocks as it is distributing heat. Hopefully, it won't fall and mash my fingers or feet!  I’ll give you a report later after I’ve used it for a couple of weeks.

button divider

Actually, this purchase is more attractive than the iron.  It is Betsy Chutchian’s latest book, Lizzie’s Legacy:  More Quilts From a Pioneer Woman’s Journal.  This book is a wonderful companion to Betsy’s previous one, Gone to Texas.


Click HERE to go to to see photos of some of the quilts in the book.  My favorite quilt in this book is the one located on the left side of the cover, scrappy pinwheels that is called “A Quilt for the Help” and can be found on page 48.  This pattern would be a good way to use all the extra half square triangles I have stored in a box although I don’t know how many 2 1/2” HSTs I have.

Until next time, may all your bobbins stay full.
a red Signature
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.


  1. Everything old is new again. I remember when I got my first steam iron, it didn't work very well but I thought it was wonderful. Thank you for the up close and personal pictures of Betsy's new book, it's on my Wish List.

  2. Thanks for the tip about where to find that iron - I've been wanting one of those! It looks like the perfect iron for attaching fusible because I never use steam (I use a pressing cloth and a spray bottle for fusible) and the holes in the sole plate of my regular iron can really affect the bonding.

    Anyway, I wanted to share a tip - my Rowenta doesn't have auto shut off, which I thought was weird after I got it because its supposed to be such a good brand (but I guess some people don't want it to cut off anyway). I set up my ironing board so that the cord has to run to a wall outlet across a doorway - then when I walk out of the room I have to step over the cord and it reminds me to unplug the iron. Just an idea

  3. I haven't been able to find a dry solid soleplate iron at all, only vintage ones!!! I do prefer them, and I definitely don't use steam at all!!! I'll keep looking to see if a new dry iron comes out down my neck of the woods! I have Betsy's book as well, got it a week ago and I read it in one sitting!!! There are so many gorgeous quilts, but there was one that jumped out at me!! It'll have to wait patiently until I finish up a few large UFO's!!!!

  4. That book looks wonderful!
    GREAT iron, I'd love to hear what you think after using it a while.
    I used to be terrible at remembering to shut off the iron. I had one on for 2 days once. (yikes)

  5. Great info about the iron!! It is funny...with the steam irons and the lightness being a mom never liked my irons, because she thought they were too LIGHT!! The Clark Gardens are really beautiful...and on the way thru Weatherford you go by a couple of fabric Shops!! I love Westin Gardens too...

  6. Hum, ordering an iron through Home Depot. What a thought. So how do you like it now that a couple of weeks have gone by?

  7. So how do you like your iron now that a couple of weeks have gone by? I keep buying cheap ones from discount stores. My current one is so darn awkward.


Hey, leave me a comment so I know that I'm not talking to just myself!